If you face any issue with the quick view that the MultiVariants app is not showing. This can be fixed by adding some codes into your quick view template file.
To fix the quick view add the below JS to the quick view template file. Replace [STORE] with your store URL before placing it.
<!– Multivariants App Code Start : To display in Quick View [https://apps.shopify.com/multivariants] –>
<div id=”MULTIVARIANTS_APP_SECTION_PLACE” style=”display:block”></div>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
if(typeof _SKT !== ‘undefined’){
_SKT.log(‘Multiviariants Init’);
meta = _SKT.is(meta)?meta:[];
meta.page = _SKT.is(meta.page)?meta.page:[];
meta.page.resourceId = ‘{{ product.id }}’;
var MVData = [];
MVariatns = [];
MvHolder = ‘NF’;
MvHeaderBox = ”;
MvBodyBox = ”;
MvFooterBox = ”;
MvSetBox = ”;
MvViewType = ‘list-list-list’;
MvOptLength = 1;
currentSetNo = 0;
totalSetCount = 0;
<!– Multivariants App Code End : To display in Quick View –>
Note: if you face any issue and can’t make it work, please contact our support. Our team will be happy to help you on this.