Create Mix n Match Combination

Create Mix n Match Combination

Create Mix n Match Combination

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While bulk ordering, you might need features like mix & match.
For example, if anyone is selling a cupcake. And the packet has a limitation of 12. So that the customer won’t be able to buy more or less than 12. But customers can choose different variants of that product. This feature allows you to create a similar setup for your products.


Please be noted that the feature is available in professional packages only.

Now, let’s see how you can do this in your store.
For example, let’s consider the limit is 12, which means you want to set the Mix & Match amount to be 12. Then follow these procedures:

  • From MultiVariants Dashboard, go to your preferable Ruleset and click on “Set restrictions” option.
  • Enter the value of 12 for “Minimum Quantity Total (combinations)”.
  • Now, enter 12 for “Maximum Quantity Per variant”.
  • Also, set 12 for “Maximum Quantity Total (combinations)”.
  • Now save the change.

The minimum value (Total Combination) will force customers to choose at least 12 for the product. Maximum quantity (Total Combination) restricts customers from going beyond the limit. Maximum quantity per variant let customers choose a max of 12 from each variant.
Now customers can choose from 1 to 12 from each variant. They can add it to the cart as long as the total quantity for that product is 12.


Still, if you face any further issues or need help, feel free to contact us. Our support team will be happy to help you.

You can always reach us via

  1. Support ticket from MultiVariants app
  2. Live Chat in MultiVariants app
  3. Direct email to

So, Good Luck! And happy selling with MultiVariants.

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