Why is it showing “Unlimited available” and not showing my available stock quantity for variants?

Why is it showing “Unlimited available” and not showing my available stock quantity for variants?

Why is it showing “Unlimited available” and not showing my available stock quantity for variants?

Documentation Search

In the MultiVariants – Bulk order app, sometimes you see “Unlimited available” for your variants. This message is showing based on your Shopify variants settings.

This happens in Two cases:

  1. If you do not select “Track Quantity” from your product variants.
    Shopify Track Quantity for product variants
  2. If you select “Track Quantity” and “Continue Selling When Out Of Stock” both from your product variants.
    Shopify Continue Selling When Out Of Stock

If you want to show the available stock quantity for your product variants, you have to select/check only “Track Quantity” from your product variants.

Shopify display available stock quantity for product variants

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